I hope Ah May Suu could hear my reading for you! This is my speech towards all the International Communities Worldwide in this greener planet for Free Burma, Free Daw Aung San Suu Kyi & Freedom for all the sufferers from Burma !
Reference from ''Burma Culture Event & all main Awareness'' Date-05.07.2009
Ladies & Gentlemen: Firstly I would like to say thank you so much to everyone coming here in supporting each other, and all of the Burma's Ethnics together in supporting in freedom of Burma.
I am very proud to say our blood is thicker than water!I have a strong feeling for ''Freeing Burma & Lady Aung San Suu Kyi just like you do. I organized this event for '4' main purposes;
1.To Free Our beloved mother Woman of Burma, Democracy Iconic peaceful Lady,Aung San Suu Kyi. (Today is you may know, she has been under detention for '5000' days).
2.To raise the awareness of Saffron Revolution & to release all the political prisoners including Buddhist Chief Monks,Mr Zarganar (Burmese actor & comedian who helped the Cyclone victims) and many more prisoners.
3.To raise the awareness of the Nargis Cyclone victims who are still homeless,orphans and facing lack of education, health care facilities & other basic needs.
4.To raise the awareness of '8' Ethnic issues & wants to present you with lovely & enjoyable original 'Burma Multi Societies history & their cultures'. Also we are living side by side in peace & harmony, in a democratic Federal Burma. We are different, but equal, and we will be free!!
We are marching towards the same direction to gain the democracy and freedom of Burma.
I always believe in one main thing, that is in our Burmese New Generation, They are having more opportunities than in our time including improvement of Informative Technology, they are more mature than ever & they (when I say they , meaning is inside the whole of Burma and outside the whole World of Burmese societies) know who is right and who is wrong. I believe they are working harder than ever to gain a big change for a New Burma. I know that 'even inside the military regimes, many new generations are totally understand that their lives are not stable under this regime & they know who is right & who is wrong even though they are wearing military uniforms & doing the job for military.
We may have our own problems in our life but we can not ignore Burma & all those who suffer. We may be of a different religion or ethnic group, however, we know that we might be united as ONE in succeeding in our main aim, to gain democracy & freedom of Burma & to free Lady Aung San Suu Kyi.
We will fight for freedom of Aung San Suu Kyi,& Free Burma with Unity & sensible ideology until we have succeeded for Change. Burma should not left alone on this greener planet. Lady Aung San Suu Kyi tried so hard in her power 20years ago, and if we united as a ONE as she did in positive way, the people of Burma may not be suffering as they do now. We have to be united & keep positive in gaining the result,we all want real Democracy , after that we can move on to the next level.
We have to look forward to a brighter future and for a New Burma. We have to try to save Ah May Aung San Suu Kyi as she is a special respected Lady of Burma, so we have to support her, fight together for her freedom before it is too late, as she also has the family like most of us, in which some she has never seen before (her two beautiful grandchildren). Also we mustn't forget all the other prisoners who have been imprisonment unlawfully, their freedom is also very important.
We have to look after the respected Saffron Revolution peaceful protester's lives and Buddhist Monks, as they look after us during our lives.Within the peace of the monasteries, we are able to eat, stay, meditate and seek helps. All are welcome, whether you are poor or rich,Muslim or Christian, soldier or shop worker, tourist or resident. Everyone is welcome; no one is ever turned away.
We as a nation and culture have to maintain our 'Burmese Cultures and Multi Ethnic societies' with a higher standard. The world knows of the devastation that Nargis Cyclone caused for the country and its people of Burma. Support and congregation of people of Burma and countries around the world, need to unite in helping to restore our country & cultures and present them as we know them best, as we have many wonderful cultures within our society. We are proud to say 'Burma' is One of the most beautiful Countries in the World'; therefore, we must be released from this inhumane, most brutal dictatorships.
Now I would like to say a few words in our Burmese language to all my wonderful Ethnic groups. Some British Guests in the audience may already understand a little Burmese language.
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As I said before we will be united and we will marching towards the result Democracy as a Whole, as a One please. We will change New Burma.
Ladies & gentlemen: Thank you very much for all your support and kindness towards Burma and Lady Aung San Suu Kyi and all the sufferers from Burma. Thank you.