I am always encourage all the Burmese people from Burma & worldwide to be united to achieve our goal. Tomorrow is the 23rd Anniversary Day of 8888 in Burma. People might say, they do not know or interested in Politics or do not want to involve in any political movement. However as far as I concerned, the majority of the Burmese people from the whole Burma involved at 8888 event for the same reason & same suffering. The monks, politicians, students from both high schools & universities, farmers, workers, movie actors, actress, nuns, housewives, tutors, professors, doctors, nurses, make-up artists, teachers, writers, journalists, business men and women, custom officers, police officers, soldiers & many more people came out together & showed their strong desire to establish true Democracy system in Burma.
Actually, the Burmese people's nature are very kind, tolerant & like to live in harmony at their society. As long as the life is getting on with daily crisis and survive well, they do not tend to demand so much.

However the Burmese people's life were changed slowly and deteriorated since 1962. Burmese people were hoping to get better situation for twenty six years long and finally the biggest strike in the world broke out at Burma in 08.08.1988 dramatically. As I mentioned above, the majority of the Burmese people involved in this 8888 events for the same goal.
"Unity of the people power" were undeniably succeeded in Burma and the change started in Burma since 1988. People including men, women & young generation from Burma became believing in unique ideology and struggle for the self-beliefs ever than before.
Even though we succeeded in someway, we still need to go on to get the reflection of the result of 8888(08.08.1988) events. How can we get it back???
We have to organise all the Burmese people from Burma and the worldwide to be united again to achieve our goal. We have the same goal. We might have the different ideologies, but we still need to struggle together to get positive result.
Why are we struggling???
Because we want the best situation for our people, our nature and our country. Once upon a time, Burma is the one of the richest countries in the South East Asia. We want it back that situation. Our motherland has a lot of natural resources, good human resources & many other valuable things to discuss in the world.
I believe in myself. I believe in my people. I believe in my country.
We can do it together.
I salute to whoever sacrificed their lives, careers, family (until now) and many other things at
8. 8. 88 event which all the Burmese people believed to establish a true Democracy system in Burma. Some are still waiting for their mother, father, brother, sister and relatives to come back home from the prison, foreign countries and some are not possible to meet their families forever because they were passed away in many ways. My heart are with you all as ever. I feel so sad when I'm writing this. But I know, I am a more stronger person than I have ever been before.
With (Metta)Loving & kindness from Sandy Thin Thin Mar Oo