Sunday, 24 August 2014
Sunday, 5 February 2012
"Fair game must be won" "တရားေသာစစ္ပြဲ ေအာင္ႏိုင္ပါေစ"
"Fair game must be won" "တရားေသာစစ္ပြဲ ေအာင္ႏိုင္ပါေစ"
'War' means fighting one side to another between two countries or many countries, between one family or many other families or between one government and civilians (Civil War). When any 'War' breaks out, both sides want to win. Therefore they fight until they win. In my opinion, after one side is won and another side is lost, what happens next? I watch a lot of movies about 'War' and real 'Wars' that happening in our Planet. No matter you win or lose, always you have to pull through yourself, other bloody bodies, injured people and you have to running around the shouting noises, bombshells, crying people or burning huts and sometime houses as well as deadly threats to many innocent children, animals, villagers. Another sad scenes for me is every family especially each and every mum is waiting for their beloved son to come back home safely. My heart is sinking when I think about it. I really want to urge to the whole World, World Leaders and everyone to think twice before you do anything unnecessarily. Why not we do bridging for the 'Peace' if possible? We have to try much harder to achieve whatever we want to achieve. I do not need to mention here about the expenses and the costs of 'War'. As far as I concern those costs could be used to build the new schools, new hospitals, new houses for homeless people and many other essential things for the every country's needs in the World. 'War' ask you to sacrifice your son, homes, belongings, lands, animals, many other things, many innocent lives and even your country as well as your own life. 'Peace' don’t ask you anything. Doesn’t cost you anything either! 'Peace' takes you to the moment of magic land and sharing the tranquillity, serenity and calmness as well as sharing the sense of safeness, freedom, unity and loving each other in this Planet. I am urging the whole World's leaders to take responsibilities to look after your own people, own country as well as this Planet to have better lives, better situation and better World to live. Kindly choose "PEACE" more than "WAR" if possible, please. At present, my motherland Burma is going to have a 'By Election' in 1st April 2012 and our Democracy Icon Lady Ah May Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is going to take part in 'By Election'. Public demand is still obvious and our Lady is still very strong in mind & soul. We did have a long 'Civil War' between the Military government and the Civilians. So many families had been forced to leave the country; some people had been in and out of the prisons, some people lost their homes, belongings and children. I must say that was from both side that facing those situations. Who does want to lose their own son in the battles? As I mentioned before, if you have big desire to go on to a 'War', you know that there will be so much demanding and even you have to think about your own life! If you want to engage to get a 'Peace' then you know that there will be involved the tranquillity, serenity, calmness and sense of safeness, freedom, unity and love. Bridging a 'Peace' between each other means no more worries, no more killing, running, shouting, moving, changing, losing and no more bloodshed. Those Costs of Wars which we could use for the essential requirements for the country (for the whole World) effectively. I am pleased to understand that the present Burma Government is engaging with our Democracy Icon Lady Ah May Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and she accepts to take part in the 'By Election'. Also the Government is engaging with many other Ethnic Groups for the 'Peace' discussion. I believe those discussions will be successful and all our Citizens from all over the world including from the border of the China, India, Thai and Lao could come back to our motherland Burma(Myanmar). Wherever we are, we love our motherland Burma, Burmese people, Burmese cultures, and Burmese foods so much. We can't deny that. All I want to say is hopefully the present Burma Government will keep their promises and will do the free and fair 'By Election' for the benefit of Burma. Finally, wishing everyone best of luck and the fair game must be won!!! "တရားေသာစစ္ပြဲ ေအာင္ႏိုင္ပါေစ။"With Love & Kindness(Metta), SandyThinMarOo
Sunday, 7 August 2011
"Anniversary of 8888"

I am always encourage all the Burmese people from Burma & worldwide to be united to achieve our goal. Tomorrow is the 23rd Anniversary Day of 8888 in Burma. People might say, they do not know or interested in Politics or do not want to involve in any political movement. However as far as I concerned, the majority of the Burmese people from the whole Burma involved at 8888 event for the same reason & same suffering. The monks, politicians, students from both high schools & universities, farmers, workers, movie actors, actress, nuns, housewives, tutors, professors, doctors, nurses, make-up artists, teachers, writers, journalists, business men and women, custom officers, police officers, soldiers & many more people came out together & showed their strong desire to establish true Democracy system in Burma.
Actually, the Burmese people's nature are very kind, tolerant & like to live in harmony at their society. As long as the life is getting on with daily crisis and survive well, they do not tend to demand so much.

However the Burmese people's life were changed slowly and deteriorated since 1962. Burmese people were hoping to get better situation for twenty six years long and finally the biggest strike in the world broke out at Burma in 08.08.1988 dramatically. As I mentioned above, the majority of the Burmese people involved in this 8888 events for the same goal.
"Unity of the people power" were undeniably succeeded in Burma and the change started in Burma since 1988. People including men, women & young generation from Burma became believing in unique ideology and struggle for the self-beliefs ever than before.
Even though we succeeded in someway, we still need to go on to get the reflection of the result of 8888(08.08.1988) events. How can we get it back???
We have to organise all the Burmese people from Burma and the worldwide to be united again to achieve our goal. We have the same goal. We might have the different ideologies, but we still need to struggle together to get positive result.
Why are we struggling???
Because we want the best situation for our people, our nature and our country. Once upon a time, Burma is the one of the richest countries in the South East Asia. We want it back that situation. Our motherland has a lot of natural resources, good human resources & many other valuable things to discuss in the world.
I believe in myself. I believe in my people. I believe in my country.
We can do it together.
I salute to whoever sacrificed their lives, careers, family (until now) and many other things at
8. 8. 88 event which all the Burmese people believed to establish a true Democracy system in Burma. Some are still waiting for their mother, father, brother, sister and relatives to come back home from the prison, foreign countries and some are not possible to meet their families forever because they were passed away in many ways. My heart are with you all as ever. I feel so sad when I'm writing this. But I know, I am a more stronger person than I have ever been before.
With (Metta)Loving & kindness from Sandy Thin Thin Mar Oo
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
"Unity, Peace, Love, Safety & Security for Lady of Burma & the people of Burma"

Dearest all from Burma and Worldwide,
Oxford City Town Hall CEO Peter Sloman has been sent the concerning letter to Ambassador, Burmese Embassy, London regarding for the safeness of the Lady of Burma Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the freedom for more than 2000 political prisoners in Burma.
Also he said in the letter that they look forward to being able to present the Freedom of the City of Oxford to Ah May Suu in person.
I would like to say "myself, my friends, family and our community are always have the great concern for our Democracy Icon Lady Of Burma Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's security, safe from any risk, danger and harm from any source". No matter whatever reason, Ah May Suu gives us hope, light, energy, strength and support for the real Freedom.
Ah May Suu guides us what is the meaning of the Democracy, Freedom from Fear, Self Confidence, to love the Honesty, to avoid the Corruption and to stand up for our Own Right as we all are well deserve to be treated as a Human and well development in our native country Burma.
Ah May Suu opened our eyes very widely since 1988 and she is still doing whatever she could to help Burmese people to get out from the Poverty and to establish Democracy System in Burma.
Ah May Suu deserves the big welcome from the Military Regime to have a peaceful discussion and effective negotiation between them for the benefit of Burma & the people of Burma instead of threatening her safety in any mean. Lady of Burma ~ Democracy Icon Ah May Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the people of Burma deserve the Unity, Peace, Love, Safety & Security in their own country Burma.
Please support each other for the Unity, Peace and Love for Burma.
Sandy Thin Mar Oo
On Behalf of the Oxford Burmese Benefit Fund, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Missing you Bogyoke(General) Aung San

19th July again on Monday, 2010.
General Aung San & 9 other leaders were assassinated on 19th July 1947.
Very sad moment for the whole nation & not only lost them but also we lost the best opportunities for the improvement of Burma & for the people of Burma.
Nowadays in Burma, we are affecting from the Global warming problem
& facing shortage of water and other natural disasters. Also currency inflation problem
and all the commodities prices are sharp rising and majority people in Burma can not afford to pay for the school fees in school opening season as well as facing many other problem.
Whenever I visit to Asian countries, I wander why they are so improve days by days than Burma.
Especially Singapore ~ last 45 years ago, Singapore was not better than Burma. My grandfather told me that Burma was one of the riches countries in South East Asia & one of the best places to live.
Singapore former leader Mr Lee Kuan Yew, he led Singapore to independence and served as its first Prime Minister.
As far as I concern, he worked so hard for his country & fought corruption system. Under his guidance, Singapore become a successful country in South East Asia.
I believe Burma needs the Leader who really want Burma to become a successful country again. The Leader who really want Burmese people to be healthy, happy, peaceful, stable & can manage their life between the family at least.
Each family improve their life , then the Nation become improve like any other countries in the world.
We might need to take time but never too late yet.
Bogyoke(General) Aung San,
I remembered you worte to your wife Daw Khin Kyi that
"Kyi, I want to eat bake bean & nan pyar" which telling me that how busy you were, how honest you were & how you managed your financial as a Leader.
You did not use luxuary for your entire life which my grandfather told me before and I admire you for who you were Bogyoke. You never take advantage despite being a Nation trustable Leader.
I am missing you, I know that the whole Burma are missing you especially on 19th July which whole nation was heart broken to hear the sad news. We would never forget you. We salute you forever as our Hero!
I hope all the best Prosperity will come upon beautiful Burma & wonderful people very soon as you had expected for !!!
We love you Bogyoke !!!
Chitthamee Sandy Thin Mar Oo.
Monday, 17 May 2010
To Little Sister...

Dearest Little Sister,
We, Activists for Burmese Affairs usually ignored on the similar affairs of other countries which share the same destiny like us.
For example we do forget and ignore the 21st anniversary of massacare in Tien Eng Ming Square in Beijing, China, problems with North Korea, neuclear reactors in Iran, Tamil Tigers in Srilanka, Cuba Problem, terrorists attacks all over the world, etc. etc., however, we want the whole world to show interest in our affairs. Is that fair and correct? Do we want us to be the Centre of Attraction?
There are many problems and natural catastrophes all over the world such as Middle East Affairs, Eruption of Vulcano in Island which spread ash clouds all over the world, famine and starvation in Africa, world financial crisis, political turmoil in Thailand, the formation of a new coalition government in UK, etc. etc,. We have to consider these problems too. Among these current problems in the world, one important problem is the shortage of water, both portable and water for domestic uses because many ponds, lakes, brooks and streams dried up. Is that not a time to consider seriously that there is a correlation between deforestation due to fire wood cutting, selling and changing of ecology in our country.
This fact is not important only for Burma but also for the whole world!
We will discuss more in future.
Take care your health Little Sister.
Saturday, 1 May 2010

ၿမန္မာ့အေရးေဆာင္ရြက္သူမ်ားဟာ အၿခားေသာဘဝတူႏိုင္ငံမ်ားကို အၿမဲပဲလစ္လ်ဴရွုလို ့ေနၾကတယ္။
တရုတ္အေရးအခင္း၂၁ ႏွစ္၊ ေၿမာက္ကိုရီယားၿပႆနာ၊ အီရန္ႏွင့္အႏုၿမဴအႏ ၱရယ္၊ သီရိလကၤာက်ားသူပုန္မ်ား ကိစၥ၊က်ဴးဘားအေၿခအေန၊ အၿခားေသာပံုမွန္ၿဖစ္ေနၾကအၾကမ္းဖက္တိုက္ခိုက္မွဳမ်ား စသည္ၿဖင့္ကမၻာ့အေရးေတြစိတ္မဝင္စားပဲ ကိုယ့္ကိစၥၾကေတာ့ တကမၻာလံုးကအာရုံစိုက္ေစခ်င္ၾကတယ္။
ကမၻာၾကီးမွာေန႕စဥ္ႏွင့္အမွ် ၿဖစ္ပ်က္ေနတဲ့အရာေတြအမ်ားၾကီးပါ။
အေရွ႕အလယ္ပိုင္းကိစၥ၊ အိုက္စ္လန္းနိုင္ငံမွာ မီးေတာင္ၿပာေငြ႕မ်ားေပါက္ကြဲေနၿခင္းကိစၥ၊ အာဖရိကတိုက္မွအငတ္ေဘးဆိုက္ေရာက္ေနမွဳ၊ ကမၻာ့စီးပြားေရးအၾကပ္အတည္းၿပႆနာမ်ား၊
ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံအေရးအခင္း၊ အဂၤလန္နိုင္ငံ၏ ဝန္ၾကီးခ်ဳပ္အေၿပာင္းအလဲ စသည္ၿဖင့္ ကမၻာ့ေရးရာမ်ား
အလြန္မ်ားၿပားလွပါတယ္။ အားလံုးကိုမွ်မွ်တတ အၿမင္က်ယ္က်ယ္ေတြးေခၚၾကည့္ပါလို ့ေၿပာၿပတာပါ။
အဲဒီကမၻာ့ေရးရာေတြထဲမွာ ထည့္တြက္ရမယ့္လတ္တေလာအေရးၾကီးတဲ့ၿမန္မာ့ေရးရာကေတာ့
ေသာက္သံုးေရ ႏွင့္ သန္ ့ရွင္းေရ ရွားပါးလာတဲ့ၿပႆနာနဲ ့ၿမစ္ေရ၊ကန္ေရမ်ားခန္းေၿခာက္လာတဲ့အႏ ၱရယ္ပါ။
သစ္ေတာမ်ားၿပဳန္းတီးလာတဲ့ကိစၥ၊ သစ္ေတာမ်ားကိုမလိုအပ္ပဲအလြန္အကၽြံ ခုတ္ၿဖတ္ေရာင္းခ်သံုးစြဲမွဳေတြႏွင့္ ဒီေရခန္းေၿခာက္မွဳဟာ ဆက္စပ္ေနလားစဥ္းစားေပးပါညီမေလး။
ၿမန္မာ့အေရးေဆာင္ရြက္သူမ်ားဟာ အၿခားေသာဘဝတူႏိုင္ငံမ်ားကို အၿမဲပဲလစ္လ်ဴရွုလို ့ေနၾကတယ္။
တရုတ္အေရးအခင္း၂၁ ႏွစ္၊ ေၿမာက္ကိုရီယားၿပႆနာ၊ အီရန္ႏွင့္အႏုၿမဴအႏ ၱရယ္၊ သီရိလကၤာက်ားသူပုန္မ်ား ကိစၥ၊က်ဴးဘားအေၿခအေန၊ အၿခားေသာပံုမွန္ၿဖစ္ေနၾကအၾကမ္းဖက္တိုက္ခိုက္မွဳမ်ား စသည္ၿဖင့္ကမၻာ့အေရးေတြစိတ္မဝင္စားပဲ ကိုယ့္ကိစၥၾကေတာ့ တကမၻာလံုးကအာရုံစိုက္ေစခ်င္ၾကတယ္။
ကမၻာၾကီးမွာေန႕စဥ္ႏွင့္အမွ် ၿဖစ္ပ်က္ေနတဲ့အရာေတြအမ်ားၾကီးပါ။
အေရွ႕အလယ္ပိုင္းကိစၥ၊ အိုက္စ္လန္းနိုင္ငံမွာ မီးေတာင္ၿပာေငြ႕မ်ားေပါက္ကြဲေနၿခင္းကိစၥ၊ အာဖရိကတိုက္မွအငတ္ေဘးဆိုက္ေရာက္ေနမွဳ၊ ကမၻာ့စီးပြားေရးအၾကပ္အတည္းၿပႆနာမ်ား၊
ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံအေရးအခင္း၊ အဂၤလန္နိုင္ငံ၏ ဝန္ၾကီးခ်ဳပ္အေၿပာင္းအလဲ စသည္ၿဖင့္ ကမၻာ့ေရးရာမ်ား
အလြန္မ်ားၿပားလွပါတယ္။ အားလံုးကိုမွ်မွ်တတ အၿမင္က်ယ္က်ယ္ေတြးေခၚၾကည့္ပါလို ့ေၿပာၿပတာပါ။
အဲဒီကမၻာ့ေရးရာေတြထဲမွာ ထည့္တြက္ရမယ့္လတ္တေလာအေရးၾကီးတဲ့ၿမန္မာ့ေရးရာကေတာ့
ေသာက္သံုးေရ ႏွင့္ သန္ ့ရွင္းေရ ရွားပါးလာတဲ့ၿပႆနာနဲ ့ၿမစ္ေရ၊ကန္ေရမ်ားခန္းေၿခာက္လာတဲ့အႏ ၱရယ္ပါ။
သစ္ေတာမ်ားၿပဳန္းတီးလာတဲ့ကိစၥ၊ သစ္ေတာမ်ားကိုမလိုအပ္ပဲအလြန္အကၽြံ ခုတ္ၿဖတ္ေရာင္းခ်သံုးစြဲမွဳေတြႏွင့္ ဒီေရခန္းေၿခာက္မွဳဟာ ဆက္စပ္ေနလားစဥ္းစားေပးပါညီမေလး။
ၿမန္မာၿပည္အတြက္သာမက၊ ကမၻာၾကီးအတြက္ပါ အေရးၾကီးလို႕ပါ။
Dearest Little Sister,
We, Activists for Burmese Affairs usually ignored on the similar affairs of other countries which share the same destiny like us.
For example we do forget and ignore the 21st anniversary of massacare in Tien Eng Ming Square in Beijing, China, problems with North Korea, neuclear reactors in Iran, Tamil Tigers in Srilanka, Cuba Problem, terrorists attacks all over the world, etc. etc., however, we want the whole world to show interest in our affairs. Is that fair and correct? Do we want us to be the Centre of Attraction?
There are many problems and natural catastrophes all over the world such as Middle East Affairs, Eruption of Vulcano in Island which spread ash clouds all over the world, famine and starvation in Africa, world financial crisis, political turmoil in Thailand, the formation of a new coalition government in UK, etc. etc,. We have to consider these problems too. Among these current problems in the world, one important problem is the shortage of water, both portable and water for domestic uses because many ponds, lakes, brooks and streams dried up. Is that not a time to consider seriously that there is a correlation between deforestation due to fire wood cutting, selling and changing of ecology in our country.
This fact is not important only for Burma but also for the whole world!
We will discuss more in future.
Take care your health Little Sister.
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