Dearest Little Sister,
We, Activists for Burmese Affairs usually ignored on the similar affairs of other countries which share the same destiny like us.
For example we do forget and ignore the 21st anniversary of massacare in Tien Eng Ming Square in Beijing, China, problems with North Korea, neuclear reactors in Iran, Tamil Tigers in Srilanka, Cuba Problem, terrorists attacks all over the world, etc. etc., however, we want the whole world to show interest in our affairs. Is that fair and correct? Do we want us to be the Centre of Attraction?
There are many problems and natural catastrophes all over the world such as Middle East Affairs, Eruption of Vulcano in Island which spread ash clouds all over the world, famine and starvation in Africa, world financial crisis, political turmoil in Thailand, the formation of a new coalition government in UK, etc. etc,. We have to consider these problems too. Among these current problems in the world, one important problem is the shortage of water, both portable and water for domestic uses because many ponds, lakes, brooks and streams dried up. Is that not a time to consider seriously that there is a correlation between deforestation due to fire wood cutting, selling and changing of ecology in our country.
This fact is not important only for Burma but also for the whole world!
We will discuss more in future.
Take care your health Little Sister.
See you soon Uncle & Aunty!
ေဆာင္းပါးကို ခ်က္ၿခင္းဘာသာၿပန္ေပးေသာ အန္ကယ္ဦးခင္ေမာင္အားအထူးေက်းဇူးတင္ရွိပါသည္။
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