Dear Ah May Suu,
Hope you are keeping well & strong!
I am very proud of you being a First Burmese woman Nobel Peace Prize Winner from Burma, an Iconic First Lady of Burma & a Burmese Lady who is a stunning beacon of Non-Violent Struggles for Democracy & Human Right with courage.
We had a celebration in recognition & support of you warmly & successfully at the International Women Festival in Oxford Town Hall, World Historical Oxford City, United Kingdom on 8th March 2010, Monday, International Women Day.
We inspired your passionate commitment to the peaceful pathway to the freedom & democracy in our beautiful country Burma.
I was very pleased to notice that the people of the World are still loving you & love the Burma Culture, Burma Exhibition, Burmese Cuisine, Burmese traditional dances & presentation through the books case, speakers such as Daw Nita Yin Yin May (the first Burmese woman who received the OBE title from the Britain Queen in UK)- BBC Burmese service , Ms. Vicky Bowman (the first woman British Embassador to Burma) & Miss Wai Hnin (BCUK).
We had proudly presented our Burmese Women's achievements from Burma such as You (Ah May Daw Aung San Suu Kyi), Journal Kyaw Ma Ma Lay, Ludu Daw Ah Mar, Ma Than Myint Aung, Daw Nita Yin Yin May (OBE), Queen Shin Saw Pu, Phwa Saw (Inscription writer), Shan Princess and also sadly sent out the message to the International Community about all the women political prisoners & other issue such as the Burmese women workers who with low wages-long working hours situation in Thai-Burma border. We urged the International Community to look into it & to act accordingly to help their situation effectively.
Finally I would like to share my merit and our merit to Ah May Suu & everyone that we had donated the £100 to "SAW" - "Social Action for Women", £75 to Shan Human Right team for the new Library, £210 to the Burma Orphanage Centre on behalf of "Oxford Burmese Benefit Fund" & the donation which we received from the day that we celebrated for you at Oxford Town Hall, Oxford City, United Kingdom. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu par Ah May Suu.
"Peace" & "Freedom" be with you very soonest!
Yours Sincerely,
Chitthamee Sandy Thin Mar Oo & many more friends from UK.
Free Daw Aung San Suu Kyi :-)
I share your tears while waiting for a Better Burma and the Freedom of "Ma Suu" and all the other political prisoners. For the Freedom of the people of Burma !!!
Thanks a lot Renata,
From all our heart...!!!
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